Well maybe it's time that I have my own blog, certainly I've commented
on many others. I have a good number of interests, and I like
communicating with people to share ideas - we don't have to be in
agreement, and we don't have to have the same aesthetic, but there needs
to be a serious interest in discussion (even if the topics themselves
aren't 100% serious). What kinds of things am I interested it? I like
the sciences, I like music, and I like thinking about consensus-building
on areas such as policies and standards.
So some do's and don'ts. Do identify yourself. I don't want to waste
time with anonymous people or pseudo anonymous handles. Do expect that
your thoughts/opinions might be challenged, just as you would expect
to challenge my thoughts/opinions. I learned a goofy acronym in some
corporate training session: "ELMO", which means Enough Let's Move On.
It seemed to allow just enough discussion, but it helped putting limits
on things, and maybe sometimes I'll just have to say "ELMO". Oh yeah, I
make mistakes, too - so maybe this do/don't list is incomplete or
whatever, so I'll adapt.
Thanks for your interest!
Frank Farance
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